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Quality, Occupational Health & Safety Integrated Policy

Logistics Solutions LLC Policy is to safeguard the health and safety of our employees, contractors, customers, and general public, while delivering international transportation and freight forwarding services to all applicable legislation, highest QOH&S standards, and best practices.

We are committed to provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment and continuously improve the quality of our services to achieve total customer satisfaction.

We believe that providing and integrating strong Quality and OH&S programs into business planning and operational processes is key to our success.

Our commitment is to:

  • Meet all applicable local and international laws and regulations; constantly track and monitor legislative amendments to ensure compliance.
  • Provide and continuously improve safe and healthy working conditions for all our employees, contractors, visitors, and other stakeholders.
  • Provide clear and adequate information, instructions, and training to all employees to ensure they are competent to perform their roles safely and effectively. Ensure that employees and their representatives are consulted and encouraged to participate actively in all elements of the OH&S Management System.
  • Undertake regular assessments of organizational and operational risks and ensure that adequate control measures are put in place and work effectively; minimize the number of incidents, work-related injuries, and ill-health through the implementation of robust and effective prevention programs.
  • Ensure all work equipment and machinery is fit for purpose, inspected regularly, and maintained in a safe condition.
  • Review and respond to stakeholders’ inquiries and requirements duly and in a timely manner. Perform regular surveys and evaluate our customers’ satisfaction.
  • Select qualified contractors; inform and engage them in the Quality and OH&S management processes.
  • Assess and continuously improve the performance of QOH&S Management System as well as monitoring and reporting functions, management of non-conformances, and process audit.
  • Ensure our QOH&S policy is actively communicated and made available to all employees and interested parties.

Logistics Solutions


Abovementioned statements are implemented by an officially approved document


Environmental Policy

Along with operational safety perform our services without harming the environment – this is what we follow during our day-to-day operations. Preservation and continuous improvement of the environment is a priority of the Company. We strive to develop and operate an environmental management system that sets high standards on pollution prevention, resources preservation and legal compliance.          

Safety Philosophy and Vision

The Company believes that all incidents are preventable and as such, safety objectives are set at ZERO. Management and staff are responsible for preventing injuries and occupational illnesses. Occupational safety and health are part of every employee's total job performance. Training employees to work safely is essential and is the responsibility of management. Prevention of personal injuries and accidents and protection of the environment is the way we should conduct our business.