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Orlovka WPP Project in Ukraine

Date: July-August 2019 Performed Scope: Delivery of 26 complete WTGs for Orlovka WPP Country of Origin: Mariupol Harbor, Ukraine Country of Delivery: Vil. Orlovka, Zaporozhie region, Ukraine

Logistics Solutions is proud to have contributed to global green energy growth.

After positioning ourselves on the local market as an absolutely reliable and formidable company, were corporate culture and spirit of executing something really big prevails, we were truly honoured for having the opportunity to take part in construction of one of the largest wind farms in Ukraine – ORLOVKA wind farm.

In summer of 2019, alongside with a record-breaking mega-project of Azerikimyia EP-300 Plant, (being executed by the wholly-owned subsidiary company LS Heavylift), we managed to secure also another important international contract of DTEK Renewables, one of the largest electricity producers from the renewable energy sources in Ukraine. The contract conditioned transportation of components of Vestas’s 26 massive wind turbines.

It was time for Logistics Solutions and its affiliated LS Heavylift to prove that it had ability and stamina to deal with several challenging offshore missions simultaneously in different parts of the globe, entirely by its team and means. By conducting Olrovka project we emerged on the market as purely Georgian-born company with global thrive and reach.

Mission was to transport super-heavy cargos with huge dimensions through 140 distance, from port city of Mariupol to Orlovka, basically to a vast plain meadow where trucks had to move on soft ground.

For the execution of such kind of mission, our team has launched LS Heavylift’s equipment from Georgia and landed it directly to Ukraine. The fleet comprised of trucks, different types of trailers, module axels and many more. In an edition of this logistical manoeuvre, company representatives had to permanently deal with official documentation and paperwork. All this turned OrlovkaWPP project into a huge undertaking that should have been executed in now time.

To transport at least one set of the wind turbine, 11 separate trips were needed and with super-heavy but at the same time fragile cargos on, the route from the port to a destination was taking approximately 5 to 6 hours. However, there was no room for errors caused by fatigue. Even slight damage of any component would mean disaster for each stakeholder because the VESTAS would have to transport it back to their initial manufacturing place, i.e. Denmark.

The Lightest peace of wind turbine tower was 56t, though it was the longest – up to 31m, and even if the shortest tower part was only 13m, it was weighting staggering 82t. As for blades, they were as long as 63m, and even though weighting only 20.5 t, transporting them especially in urban conditions seemed impossible and required utmost creativity from our team members.

During 90 days specialists of LS Heavylift tenaciously and delicately pursued to their goal. As mentioned, the entire project was run in 3 months. However, bearing in mind scales and numbers they had to deal with, one can easily guess that it has been an ideal period for such megaproject to be executed without even a single incident.

LS Heavylift is eager to witness that its effort helped to eco-friendly green energy multiplying around us.
